ISBN: 9780992242176
Recommended retail price: R550.00 inclusive of VAT
704 pages, A5
Jonathan G Shaw's textbook The South African Music Business: A Practical and Academic Bible to the South African Music Industries, was first published in 2007, the second edition in 2010 and the third on the 5th of July 2017. The South African Music Business was the first major textbook on the South African music industries and has become a necessary companion for everyone in the music biz. It explains the structure, law, finance, management and marketing of the recorded music sector, live music sector and music publishing sector. It is being used by leading universities such as WITS, UNISA, DUT, UCT and numerous music and sound engineering colleges around the country.
Read the articles in Business Day and the Citizen newspaper as well as the Citizen's review of the book. Josh Prinsloo wrote a blog review of the book. The book's second edition is also available in the prestigious Princeton University Library. Listed in the article "The A o Z of South Africa Music Books" by Ernesto Garcia Marques in the Mail&Guardian, 19 April 2022.
Reader Quotes:
"It was a great privilege to have attended Jonathan Shaw's music business course at an early phase of my career. His South African Music Business handbook became the foundation of my career and helped me approach my talent as a business. I still use it as a reference to this day." - Mobi Dixon, DJ / Producer
“If there is any musician who is serious about their craft or career, this book should definitely be part of their collection.” - Kahn Morbee, The Parlotones
“I have had the opportunity to be lectured by Mr Shaw and am currently reaping the rewards. So, if you are serious about knowing your music business and are a DIY artist like myself, this book is a must have. It’s like having an industry consultant right in your home.” - Max-Hoba, AfroSoul singer / songwriter
“I have a lot of respect for the legendary Jonathan Shaw. He is a true SA music supporter and making a difference. If you are involved with music, I want you to eat, drink and sleep with this book by your side… It could change your life forever!” - Barney Simon, Rock DJ & TV Presenter
“A comprehensive journey into the mind of the SA music business, superbly written and researched by Jonathan Shaw” - Cindy Alter, lead singer, Clout
“I bought [Shaw’s] book and love it and think it is the one resource SA musicians have been waiting for, for many years!” - John Ellis, Tree63
“...there are many people in the industry who aren't clued up as they should be about music business, and your course and textbook can really get graduates a push in the right direction.” - Monthati Masebe, SAMRO Foundation, Archivist
“Where there was nothing, there is now something and the industry at every level owes thanks to Shaw for undertaking and completing this mammoth task” - Gwen Ansell, Business Day
“…a sure companion for any musician or music business professional who wishes to properly navigate the enchanted and entangled world of the music business. The book is set to remain a veritable reference source of music industry information for the foreseeable future.” - J. Joel Baloyi, Entertainment Lawyer, Academic and Copyright Consultant
Read more about "The South African Music Business, 3rd Edition" at ada enup cc.